
Snakedeploy provides several command line tools for preparing or otherwise interacting with your data or workflow.

Deploying workflows

Snakedeploy enables you to automatically deploy a workflow from a public git repository to your local machine, by using Snakemake’s module system.

Command Line

Via the command line, deployment works as follows:

$ snakedeploy deploy-workflow /tmp/dest --tag v1.0.0

Snakedeploy will then generate a workflow definition /tmp/dest/workflow/Snakefile that declares the given workflow as a module. For the example above, it will have the following content

configfile: "config/config.yaml"

# declare as a module
module dna_seq:

# use all rules from
use rule * from dna_seq

In addition, it will copy over the contents of the config directory of the given repository into /tmp/dest/workflow/Snakefile. These should be seen as a template, can be modified according to your needs. Further, the workflow definition Snakefile can be arbitrarily extended and modified, thereby making any changes to the used workflow transparent (also see the snakemake module documentation).

It is highly advisable to put the deployed workflow into a new (perhaps private) git repository (e.g., see here for instructions how to do that with Github).


These same interactions can be done from within Python.

$ from snakedeploy.deploy import deploy
$ deploy("", dest_path="/tmp/dest", name="dna_seq", tag="v1.0.0", force=True)

Also see The Snakedeploy API for details.

Collecting Files

In addition to deploying workflows, snakedeploy helps with generating sample/unit sheets from files on the filesystem. These can then be used to configure a Snakemake workflow. Let’s say that we have a tab separated sheet of inputs called unit-patterns.tsv:

S743_Nr(?P<nr>[0-9]+)       S743_1/01_fastq/S743Nr{nr}.*.fastq.gz
S839_Nr(?P<nr>[0-9]+)       S839_*/01_fastq/S839Nr{nr}.*.fastq.gz
S888_Nr(?P<nr>[0-9]+)       S888/S888_1/01_fastq/S888Nr{nr}.*.fastq.gz

And then a file of samples, samples.tsv where the first column contains the sample ids. If we want to collect files on the system based on a glob pattern of interest and print them to STDOUT (along with the sample id) we can do:

cut -f1 samples.tsv | tail -n+2 | snakedeploy collect-files --config unit-patterns.tsv

More specifically, the config sheet above lets us select, for each sample, a glob pattern, which is then used to obtain the files on disk that correspond to this sample, which are then printed tab separated to STDOUT, along with the sample id that we put in. This allows us to obtain the path to the raw data of the given samples.