Source code for snakedeploy.deploy

import subprocess as sp
import tempfile
from pathlib import Path
import os
import shutil

from jinja2 import Environment, PackageLoader

from snakedeploy.providers import get_provider
from snakedeploy.logger import logger
from snakedeploy.exceptions import UserError

[docs]def deploy( source_url: str, name: str, tag: str, branch: str, dest_path: Path, force=False ): """Deploy a given workflow to the local machine, using the Snakemake module system.""" provider = get_provider(source_url) env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader("snakedeploy")) template = env.get_template("use_module.smk.jinja") snakefile = dest_path / "workflow/Snakefile" if snakefile.exists() and not force: raise UserError( f"{snakefile} already exists, aborting (use --force to overwrite)" ) dest_config = dest_path / "config" if dest_config.exists() and not force: raise UserError( f"{dest_config} already exists, aborting (use --force to overwrite)" )"Writing Snakefile with module definition...") os.makedirs(dest_path / "workflow", exist_ok=True) module_deployment = template.render( name=name or provider.get_repo_name().replace("-", "_"), snakefile=provider.get_source_file_declaration( "workflow/Snakefile", tag, branch ), repo=source_url, ) with open(snakefile, "w") as f: print(module_deployment, file=f) with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:"Obtaining source repository...") try:["git", "clone", source_url, "."], cwd=tmpdir, check=True) except sp.CalledProcessError as e: raise UserError("Failed to clone repository {}:\n{}", source_url, e) config_dir = Path(tmpdir) / "config" no_config = not config_dir.exists() if no_config: logger.warning( "No config directory found in source repository. " "Please check whether the source repository really does not " "need or provide any configuration." ) os.makedirs(dest_path / "config", exist_ok=True) dummy_config_file = dest_path / "config" / "config.yaml" if not dummy_config_file.exists(): with open(dummy_config_file, "w"): pass else:"Writing template configuration...") shutil.copytree(config_dir, dest_config, dirs_exist_ok=force) env.get_template("post-instructions.txt.jinja").render( no_config=no_config, dest_path=dest_path ) )